Charlbury Green Hub
BRING & TAKE: Memorial Hall, Charlbury
BRING items from between 9.30 and 10.30am and TAKE anything you want free of charge from between 10am and 12 noon.
BRING spare but usable items you no longer want: household items, clothes, children's toys, DVDs, books, bikes, curtains, paint, garden tools, flower & vegetable seeds, etc, etc. Bring a photo of large items to put on the notice board.
- Electrical items to be delivered a week in advance on Saturday 22 February to 23 The Green from 11-12 so they can be PAT-tested beforehand.
Instead of bringing paint and heavy DIY items to the event please email details to, including a photo and contact phone number, for adding to our new DIY Spares web page.
- When you want paint etc, then have a look at our DIY Spares web page first to see what you could get for free here in Charlbury.
You can also bring along printer cartridges to raise money for the Multiple Scelrosis Society, old mobile phones for donation to Oxfam, old spectacles for donation to refugees or Vision Aid Overseas, water filter cartridges, batteries, & broken lightbulbs and put them in the boxes by the door for recycling. Also bras for Oxfam's Big Bra Hunt, please bring any along - whatever the condition - and put them in the big pink trug near the door.
Items are given and taken FREE so please respect this community spirit by not taking things for resale or scrap value. Photos will be taken during the event, so if you don't want your photo taken then please tell one of the organisers wearing an orange waistcoat.
Items left over are given to charity shops or Freecycled.
Organised by the Charlbury Green Hub.
If you would like to help sort things out as they are brought and put things onto tables, or help sort stuff out at the end, then please contact Christine Elliott 01608 811057.